What are the positive benefits of coffee on health

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 What are the positive benefits of coffee on health

You should not overeat coffee and be satisfied with three cups a day

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You should not overeat coffee and be satisfied with three cups a day

Coffee will protect you from depression

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Coffee will protect you from depression

Coffee increases activity and strengthens memory

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Coffee increases activity and strengthens memory

Coffee protects against Alzheimer's

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Coffee protects against Alzheimer's

Positive benefits of coffee on health

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Positive benefits of coffee on health

Coffee protects your heart from diseases

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Coffee protects your heart from diseases

Abeer Al , Amoudi

11 April 2017

The positive benefits of coffee on health will make its lovers wander in love for it more and more, the great and many benefits that you will reap daily from a cup of coffee will make this cup full of happiness and love, and certainly everything that exceeds its limit turns against it, so 2-3 cups of coffee a day is much better than increasing it, as coffee has many benefits, but its increase has ominous consequences.

Coffee elements beneficial to the human body

It is important to know that the essential nutrients contained in coffee are the reason why it has positive benefits on health and its essential components

– Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 11%

– Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) by 6%

– Manganese and potassium by 3%

– Magnesium and niacin (B3) by 2%

Positive benefits of coffee on health

One of the most important benefits of coffee is

Benefits of Coffee for Cardiovascular Health

The caffeine in coffee shrinks blood vessels by infiltrating receptors that line the walls of blood vessels, and research has found that those who drink 2-3 cups of caffeinated coffee are 22% less likely to suffer from heart disease and have a 22% lower risk of stroke.

The benefits of coffee increase activity and concentration

Being caffeine that improves brain function, memory, mood and alertness and also reduces the feeling of fatigue and fatigue and thus increases human activity, energy and intelligence, the caffeine in coffee is great for the brain to release dopamine, a brain chemical that stimulates an area of gray matter and is responsible for alertness, so coffee protects against Alzheimer's disease by up to 65%.

The benefits of coffee help to lose weight

Because they contain potassium and magnesium, which stimulate the use of insulin in the body as well as regulate blood sugar levels, they help fat cells break down body fat to use as fuel for exercise and thus lose more weight.

The benefits of coffee improve muscle performance

Caffeine facilitates muscle contraction and prevents adenosine receptors from attaching to muscle fibers, so research has proven that consuming 140-400 milligrams of caffeine between 30 and 60 minutes before exercising can improve both speed and endurance.

The benefits of coffee fight depression

Drinking coffee daily reduces the risk of depression by 20 to 53% and will therefore give us a more happy and refreshed feeling.

The benefits of coffee reduce the incidence of cancer

Such as liver, skin, colorectal cancer by 15 to 40%, reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men by 20% and endometrial cancer in women by 25%.

The benefits of coffee reduce the risk of gout

Because they contain a lot of antioxidants that fight and kill free radicals inside the body and reduce the risk of gout

The benefits of coffee for the liver

The caffeine in coffee detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon, and studies have proven that the caffeine in coffee reduces the fatty liver of those who suffer from it.

Benefits of coffee migraine treatment

The caffeine contained in coffee may increase the effectiveness of digestive absorption of analgesics, therefore it is useful for patients 

What are the positive benefits of coffee on health

suffering from migraines and headaches.

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