Mortgage value ratio has changed! What is the home loan-to-value ratio?

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Mortgage value ratio has changed! What is the home loan-to-value ratio?

Mortgage value ratio has changed! What is the home loan-to-value ratio?

As determined by the China Banking Regulatory Commission the housing loan value ratio shall be distinguished according to the amount. Loans will not be available for homes valued over TL 10 million. 70% in dwellings between 2 and 5 million lire in dwellings under 2 million lire 90% of the credit limit will be used.

On June 9 2022 the Banking Regulatory Bureau announced to the public on the BRSA website that within the scope of the Financial Stability Enhancement Measures the loan-to-value ratio for housing loans is based on the amount. differentiate it. According to the new decision of the Banking Supervision and Administration (BDDK) on housing loans; loan-to-value ratios for primary and secondary housing loans are different.


According to this; loan-to-value ratios for first-hand homes in energy class 1 A; 90% for homes with a value of less than TL 2 million 70% for homes with a value between TL 2 million and TL 5 million and TL 5 million to Between 10 million lira There is no home loan facility for dwellings with a maximum value of TL 35 million and over TL 10 million.


Loan-to-value ratio for second-hand properties in energy A-class; 90% for homes valued below TL 500,000 70% for homes valued between TL 500,000 and TL 2 million and TL 2 million to TL 5 million between For dwellings the maximum value of 50% of the dwelling is 25 million lire for dwellings valued between 5 million lire and 10 million lire.

There is no home loan facility for houses with a value of more than 10 million TL.

Current Forms Published by the Board of Directors


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